Parts Work for The Authentic Man Workshop

Monday, October 21, 2024

3:00 PM to 4:30 PM Pacific Time

Stop hiding behind expectations. Discover the real you and step into your power.

Feeling stuck living a life that doesn't quite feel like your own?

Are you tired of trying to be who you think others expect you to be?

This workshop, using the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model, will help you:

  • Uncover the parts of you holding you back from living authentically.

  • Develop compassion and understanding for all the different parts of yourself.

  • Learn to access your Self, the core of who you truly are.

  • Step into the world with confidence and clarity, expressing your authentic self without apology.

Workshop Price: $29

This workshop is for you if:

  • You feel like you're constantly putting on a show.

  • You struggle with self-doubt and negative self-talk.

  • You long to live a life that feels true and aligned.

  • You're ready to embrace all parts of yourself and finally be free to be you.

Space is limited, so register today!

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn the core concepts of IFS and how they apply to your life.

  • Discover practical tools and techniques to manage your inner world.

  • Experience guided exercises to connect with your authentic Self.

  • Gain valuable insights and clarity about your authentic Self.

  • Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

  • Introduce you to an opportunity to join a small group of men who, like you are committed to personal development and restoration of their true selves.

When I first read No More Mr Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover, I saw immediately that I was a Nice Guy. In the book’s preface Glover wrote,

“No matter how hard I tried to please her, keep the peace, avoid conflict, and hide my needs, she was still frequently moody, angry, critical, and sexually unavailable.”

He was describing me! How frustrated I felt when I would try so hard to be who I thought my wife wanted me to be only to feel rejected and blamed for her unhappiness. Glover coined the term, Nice Guy Syndrome and defines it as follows.  

“The Nice Guy Syndrome represents a belief that if Nice Guys are ‘good,’ they will be loved, get their needs met, and live a problem-free life.”

Acting Nice

I didn’t know that acting nice and actually being nice were two different states of being. I hated to admit it but when I was acting nice, I was ACTING. What my wife wanted was the real me. But deep down inside I was convinced that the real me wasn’t enough. How could she love someone like me? I didn’t even like me.

(read more)

Listen to my podcast, episode #14, Nice Guy Syndrome


As you've underscored, IFS is an effortless and quick way to get right in there and do what needs to be done. Thank you for your guidance and facilitation that opens the possibility.”

-Brad N, San Carlos California

IFS Coaching Groups

  • Loving Self Group

    This coed group is for you if you are in recovery from shame based beliefs that you have managed with addiction or other unworkable behaviors. Use the IFS model to heal and learn to love yourself.

  • Authentic Man Group

    Join a group made up of men who are tired of performing for love and approval. Men who want to be the best and highest versions of themselves. Men who wish to exemplify the Authentic Man.

  • Women's Recovery Group

    Restore wholeness using the IFS model. This group is exclusively for women in recovery from painful beliefs formed in dysfunction and managed by addictive behavior.